

Project Description Sheet


Project Name:

Consultancy Services for the Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration (Phase II)







Name of Client:

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) & Economic Relations Division (ERD), Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh

Approx. Project Value :

BDT: 1,16,50,032

Funding Agency:

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)  


May 2010-December 2010



Professional Staff Provided:

No. of Staff: 6

No. of Person-months: 25

Name of Senior Staff (Project Director / Coordinator, Team Leader) Involved and Functions Performed


Mr. Siddiqur Rahman Choudhury


- Team Leader


A. B. Mirza Md. Azizul Islam


- International/ Regional Consultant


M.A. Muktadir Mazumder


- National Consultant (Health)


A.K.M Shamsuddin


- National Consultant (Energy/ Power)


Muhammed Ali


- National Consultant (Transport)


Dr. Zahurul Karim


- National Consultant (Climate Change)


Detailed Narrative Description of Project:


To conduct country level evaluation of the implementation of the Paris Declaration to provide information on the implementation process of the Paris Declaration at Country Level on Aid Effectiveness.




Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by the Company:


  • To document the results achieved in Bangladesh through implementing the Paris Declaration.
  • To enable the partner countries and donors/agencies active in the country to clarify, improve and strengthen policies and practices consistent with the Paris Declaration in pursuit of aid effectiveness and development effectiveness.
  • To highlight barriers and difficulties that may have limited the effectiveness of the Paris Declaration and its effects and impacts and ways that these barriers and difficulties may be overcome.
  • To enable sharing and exchange of experience among stakeholders, countries and partnerships so as to facilitate reflection, lesson learning and policy improvement.
  • To assess the relevance of the Paris Declaration in Bangladesh and how its implementation has addressed the challenges of aid effectiveness and the development results.
  • To assess the extent to which each of the 5 principles of the Paris Declaration and the Accra Agenda for Action priorities have been observed and implemented in Bangladesh and how their implementation contributed to the efficiency of aid delivery, the management and use of aid and better partnership.
  • To document the results achieved in Bangladesh through implementing the Paris Declaration and their impacts to aid effectiveness and sustainable development results.
  • To examine the challenges and opportunities of aid effectiveness and to highlight barriers and difficulties that may have limited the effectiveness of the Paris Declaration and its effects and impacts and ways that these barriers and difficulties may be overcome.