Project Description Sheet


Project Name:

Consultancy Services for the Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration Country Level –Bangladesh.





Project Location within Country:


Approx. Project Value : BDT 63,34,617.00



Name of Client:

JICA & Economic Relations Division (ERD), Ministry of Finance, Government of Bangladesh

Professional Staff Provided:


No. of Staff: 11


No. of Person-months: 39

Start Date (month/year):

December 2007

Completion Date:


March 2008

Approx. Value of Services:

BDT 63,34,617.00


Name of Associated Firm(s) if any:


No. of Person-months of Professional Staff Provided by associated Firm(s):


Name of Senior Staff (Project Director / Co-ordinator, Team Leader) Involved and Functions Performed:


Mr. Siddiqur Rahman Choudhury (Former Finance Secretary)

- Team Leader

Ms. Nargis Islam (Former Joint Chief, ERD)

- Deputy Team Leader

A.K.M. Shamsuddin (Former Secretary)

- Consultant (Primary Education)

Mr. Md. Abdul Malek (Former Joint Chief)

- Consultant (Power & Energy)

Ms. Kaniz Aklima Sultana

- Consultant (Environment)

Md. Shafiqul Islam Khan

- Project Coordinator

Detailed Narrative Description of Project:


To conduct country level evaluation of the implementation of the Paris Declaration to provide information on the implementation process of the Paris Declaration at Country Level on Aid Effectiveness.


Detailed Description of Actual Services Provided by the Company:


Under the supervision of the National Evaluation Coordinator, and in close consultation with the Working Group, the consultant team is undertaking the following tasks. In addition to the present Terms of references, the team uses both the Generic TOR prepared by the OECD and the country level Terms of Reference of the Bangladesh as the overall guiding framework for the entire evaluation, including the evaluation questions mentioned in these ToR.


-          Analyze the clarity, relevance and coherence of the Paris Declaration in the Bangladesh context while taking into consideration of the lessons from the DAC Survey 2006;

-          Analyze the behavior of Development Partners in implementing the PD and their bottlenecks; what are the harmonization effort made by the Development Partners and what mechanism worked and what did not work;

-          Analyze the behavior of Bangladesh Government in implementing the PD and their bottlenecks; what are the efforts made by the Bangladesh Government and what mechanism worked and what did not work;

-          Analyze the case of PEDP-II and examine challenges and opportunities in improving aid effectiveness in the sector;

-          Analyze the case of Energy or Power sector and examine challenges and opportunities in improving aid effectiveness in the sector;




-          Analyze the case of cross-cutting issue (environment) and examine challenges and opportunities in improving aid effectiveness in the sector; the analysis focuses on the differences of harmonization efforts done by both Development Partners and the Bangladesh Government by sector, together with the difference in applying 12 indicators and 56 commitments and other aspects to be taken into consideration in those three sectors;

-          Assess harmonization and overall aid effectiveness in environment sector as a cross-cutting issue

-          Investigate whether the Government of Bangladesh and the development partners are giving due importance to the environment cross-cutting issue in the development projects, what difference it is making at country level, and the change in donor and partner country behaviour in light of PD commitments

-          Investigate and analyze the environment as a cross-cutting issue into three aspects: Utility of the PD, Development Partner Behaviour and Partner Behaviour

-          Identify shared environmental concerns and maintain a constructive dialogue with the Government of Bangladesh and development partners. The priority agenda of the sub-group are WSSD, PRSP, Renewable Energy, Climate Change and Pollution.

-          Analyze the gaps and bottlenecks and identify the areas to be addressed jointly and formulate recommendations to improve aid harmonization and aid effectiveness;

-          Investigate and evaluate the nature of the interactions between the behavioural changes specified in the Paris Declaration under the headings of ownership, harmonization, alignment, results management and mutual accountability

-          Submit deliverables in due time

-          Make presentations to the Steering Committee/Working Group as well as LCG upon request;

-          Take care of logistics associated with the survey.

-          Any other tasks related to the assignment as decided by the client and his representative



Funding Agency: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)